Results for 'Guillermo Fúrlong Cárdiff'

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  1. Guillermo Furlong, S. J.: Nacimiento Y Desarrollo De La Filosofia En El Río De La Plata.M. Mindán & Staff - 1952 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 11 (43):677.
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    The Challenges of Divine Determinism: A Philosophical Analysis.Peter Furlong - 2019 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    In this volume, Peter Furlong delves into the question of divine determinism - the view that God has determined everything that has ever happened or will ever happen. This view, which has a long history among multiple religious and philosophical traditions, faces a host of counterarguments. It seems to rob humans of their free will, absolving them of all the wrongs they commit. It seems to make God the author of sin and thus blameworthy for all human wrongdoing. Additionally, it (...)
  3. Asymmetry Effects in Generic and Quantified Generalizations.Kevin Reuter, Eleonore Neufeld & Guillermo Del Pinal - 2023 - Proceedings of the 45Th Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 45:1-6.
    Generic statements (‘Tigers have stripes’) are pervasive and early-emerging modes of generalization with a distinctive linguistic profile. Previous experimental work found that generics display a unique asymmetry between their acceptance conditions and the implications that are typically drawn from them. This paper presents evidence against the hypothesis that only generics display an asymmetry. Correcting for limitations of previous designs, we found a generalized asymmetry effect across generics, various kinds of explicitly quantified statements (‘most’, ‘some’, ‘typically’, ‘usually’), and variations in types (...)
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    Homenaje a Guillermo Hoyos.Guillermo Hoyos - 2008 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 57 (136):145-147.
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  5. Homenaje a Guillermo Hoyos. La responsabilidad Del pensar.Guillermo Hoyos Vásquez - 2008 - Ideas Y Valores 57 (136):145-147.
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    History and Philosophy of Physics in the South Cone.Roberto de Andrade Martins, Guillermo Boido & Víctor Rodríguez (eds.) - 2013 - College Publications.
    The Association of Philosophy and History of Science in the South Cone is a non-profit academic association, founded on May 5th, 2000, in Quilmes, Argentina, at the closing ceremony of the 2nd Meeting of Philosophy and History of Science in the South Cone. The creation of this Association was the result of the interest to deepen and strengthen the exchange between the researchers in Philosophy and History of Science from the countries of the South Cone, from the two first meetings (...)
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  7. Francisco Guillermo Herrera Armendia. Reseña de artículo:" La neurología del Tiempo. Una aproximación teórica".Mtro Francisco Guillermo Herrera Armendia - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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    Aquinas, the Principle of Alternative Possibilities, and Augustine’s Axiom.Peter Furlong - 2015 - International Philosophical Quarterly 55 (2):179-196.
    According to the highly controversial “Principle of Alternative Possibilities,” an agent is morally responsible for an action only if he could have done otherwise. In this paper, I will investigate whether Aquinas accepts this principle. I will begin by arguing that if one grants Aquinas’s theory of human action, Frankfurt-style counter-examples do not succeed. For this reason, it is necessary to investigate various texts in order to discover how Aquinas views this principle. Although he does not explicitly discuss it, he (...)
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    Berkeley and the Tree in the Quad.E. J. Furlong - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (156):169 - 173.
  10. Cook Wilson and the non-euclideans.E. J. Furlong - 1941 - Mind 50 (198):122-139.
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  11.  18
    Juventud rural y folklore en conflicto.María Ángeles Rubio Gil & Guillermo Vázquez Vicente - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-18.
    En las danzas rurales del norte de España pueden constatarse reminiscencias de carácter pagano. Dotadas de fuertes connotaciones sacras, su prevalencia y el interés de la juventud por secundarlas, sorprende en el entorno secular actual, de gran individualimos e hiperracional. De ahí el interés por entender los conflictos intergeneracionales surgidos en la actualidad, a través del estudio del caso de ‘La Gaita de Cervera del Río Alhama (La Rioja). Una danza que ha sido considerada marcial y que es sin embargo, (...)
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    Gobierno abierto y ética.Jaime Rodríguez Alba & Guillermo Lariguet (eds.) - 2018 - [Córdoba, Argentina]: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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    Faculty partisan affiliations in all disciplines: A voter‐registration study.Christopher F. Cardiff & Daniel B. Klein - 2005 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 17 (3-4):237-255.
    The party registration of tenure‐track faculty at 11 California universities, ranging from small, private, religiously affiliated institutions to large, public, elite schools, shows that the “one‐party campus” conjecture does not extend to all institutions or all departments. At one end of the scale, U.C. Berkeley has an adjusted Democrat:Republican ratio of almost 9:1, while Pepperdine University has a ratio of nearly 1:1. Academic field also makes a tremendous difference, with the humanities averaging a 10:1 D:R ratio and business schools averaging (...)
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    The interface of law and bioethics.Beth A. Furlong - 2002 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 5 (3):311-312.
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    (1 other version)Memory and the argument from illusion.E. J. Furlong - 1954 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 54:131-144.
  16. The Role of Higher Education in Initial Teacher Training.John Furlong & Richard Smith - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (4):447-448.
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    The 7 th UK Evolutionary Developmental Biology Meeting, 7 th August 2007.Rebecca F. Furlong - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (1):90-91.
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    (1 other version)Quid per prius datur. La doctrina tomasiana del doble orden de prioridad entre el don creado y el Don increado.Guillermo Juárez - 2014 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 17 (34):389-410.
    La comunicación a la creatura racional del don de la gracia santificante y del Don del Espíritu Santo, siendo simultánea, comporta cierto orden e incluso diversos modos de orden. Esta doctrina de santo Tomás de Aquino es de enorme importancia para una comprensión más acabada de algunas de las grandes temáticas teológicas que caracterizan su pensamiento, como las referidas a la inhabitación trinitaria y a la justificación. En el presente estudio nos proponemos profundizar dicha enseñanza desde el trasfondo de la (...)
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  19.  21
    Zen Effects: The Life of Alan Watts.Monica Furlong - 1986 - Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH).
    A combination of spiritual insight and outrageous behavior, wisdom and childishness, joyous high spirits and deep loneliness, Alan Watts (1915-1973) touched the lives of many with his teachings. In this penetrating biography, Furlong reveals how Watts was instrumental in introducing Eastern philosophy and religion to Western minds.
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    Imagination.E. J. Furlong - 1961 - Routledge.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  21.  23
    A mathematical treatment of defeasible reasoning and its implementation.Guillermo R. Simari & Ronald P. Loui - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 53 (2-3):125-157.
    We present a mathematical approach to defeasible reasoning based on arguments. This approach integrates the notion of specificity introduced by Poole and the theory of warrant presented by Pollock. The main contribution of this paper is a precise, well-defined system which exhibits correct behavior when applied to the benchmark examples in the literature. It aims for usability rather than novelty. We prove that an order relation can be introduced among equivalence classes of arguments under the equi-specificity relation. We also prove (...)
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  22.  12
    Social and political thought of Julius Evola.Paul Furlong - 2011 - New York: Routledge.
    Julius Evolas writing covered a vast range of subjects, from a distinctive and categorical ideological outlook and has been extremely influential on a significant number of extreme right thinkers, activists and organisations. This book is the first full length study in English to present his political thought to a wider audience, beyond that of his followers and sympathisers, and to bring into the open the study of a neglected strand of contemporary Western thought, that of traditionalism. Evola deserves more attention (...)
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  23. Imagination in Hume's Treatise and Enquiry concerning the Human Understanding.E. J. Furlong - 1961 - Philosophy 36 (136):62 - 70.
    The author addresses two questions concerning hume's philosophy: (1) why is imagination so prominent in hume's thought? and (2) what exactly did hume mean by imagination? (staff).
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    Mathematical Thinking in Chemistry.Guillermo Restrepo & José L. Villaveces - 2012 - Hyle 18 (1):3 - 22.
    Mathematical chemistry is often thought to be a 20th-century subdiscipline of chemistry, but in this paper we discuss several early chemical ideas and some landmarks of chemistry as instances of the mathematical way of thinking; many of them before 1900. By the mathematical way of thinking, we follow Weyl's description of it in terms of functional thinking, i.e. setting up variables, symbolizing them, and seeking for functions relating them. The cases we discuss are Plato's triangles, Geoffroy's affinity table, Lavoisier's classification (...)
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    How Much Propositional Logic Suffices for Rosser’s Essential Undecidability Theorem?Guillermo Badia, Petr Cintula, Petr Hajek & Andrew Tedder - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):487 - 504.
    In this paper we explore the following question: how weak can a logic be for Rosser's essential undecidability result to be provable for a weak arithmetical theory? It is well known that Robinson's Q is essentially undecidable in intuitionistic logic, and P. Hajek proved it in the fuzzy logic BL for Grzegorczyk's variant of Q which interprets the arithmetic operations as non-total non-functional relations. We present a proof of essential undecidability in a much weaker substructural logic and for a much (...)
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    Authoritarian Conservatism After The War: Julius Evola and Europe.Paul Furlong - 2005 - Collingwood and British Idealism Studies 11 (2):5-26.
    The article analyses and assesses the development of the post-war thought of Julius Evola. Evola's initial writings in the inter-war period were from an ideological position close to the Fascist regime in Italy, though not identical to it. Over a long and prolific writing career he developed a complex line of argument, which synthesises the spiritual orientation of writers such as Rene Guenon with the political concerns of the European authoritarian Right. The paper argues that notwithstanding the changed circumstances, Evola (...)
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    Resemblance and identity.E. J. Furlong - 1967 - Philosophical Books 8 (2):5-7.
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    Symposium: Abstract Ideas and Images.E. J. Furlong, C. A. Mace & D. J. O'connor - 1953 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 27 (1):121 - 158.
  29. Therapeutic suggestions during general anesthesia.M. Furlong & C. Read - 1993 - In P. S. Sebel, B. Bonke & E. Winograd (eds.), Memory and Awareness in Anesthesia. Prentice-Hall. pp. 166--175.
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    Women (and power) before God.Monica Furlong - 1989 - Heythrop Journal 30 (3):327–330.
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    Some Uses of Logic in Rigorous Philosophy.Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock - 2010 - Axiomathes 20 (2-3):385-398.
    This paper is concerned with the use of logic to solve philosophical problems. Such use of logic goes counter to the prevailing empiricist tradition in analytic circles. Specifically, model-theoretic tools are applied to three fundamental issues in the philosophy of logic and mathematics, namely, to the issue of the existence of mathematical entities, to the dispute between first- and second-order logic and to the definition of analyticity.
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  32. La Filosofía Política de Jürgen Habermas.Guillermo Hoyos - 2001 - Ideas Y Valores 116.
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    On hellenism, Judaism, individualism and early Christian theories of the subject.Guillermo Morales Jodra - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury Publishing, Plc.
    This two-volume work provides a new understanding of Western subjectivity as theorized in the Augustinian Rule. A theopolitical synthesis of Antiquity, the Rule is a humble, yet extremely influential example of subjectivity production. In these volumes, Jodra argues that the Classical and Late-Ancient communitarian practices along the Mediterranean provide historical proof of a worldview in which the self and the other are not disjunctive components, but mutually inclusive forces. The Augustinian Rule is a culmination of this process and also the (...)
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    Un diálogo entre marxistas y liberales.Guillermo Lariguet - 2017 - Télos 21 (1):75-94.
    En esta nota crítica examino el libro de Fernando Lizárraga Marxistas y Liberales. Mis objetivos en la nota son tres. En primer lugar, ofrecer una reconstrucción descriptiva de los principales aspectos de la estructura y contenido del libro. Segundo, discutir brevemente tres cuestiones. Estas cuestiones son, primero, la naturaleza del diálogo entre marxistas y liberales desde la perspectiva del filósofo francés Louis Althusser. Segundo, la relación entre la fundamentación normativa de los principios de justicia y la cuestión empírica de su (...)
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    A Study in Memory: A Philosophical Essay.E. J. Furlong - 1951 - Nelson.
  36. A Study in Memory--A Philosophical Essay.E. J. Furlong - 1953 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 3 (12):381-382.
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    Theological Determinism: New Perspectives.Leigh Vicens & Peter Furlong (eds.) - 2022 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume unites established authors and rising young voices in philosophical theology and philosophy of religion to offer the single most wide-ranging examination of theological determinism-in terms of both authors represented and issues investigated-published to date. Fifteen contributors present discussions about theological determinism, the view that God determines everything that occurs in the world. Some authors provide arguments in favor of this position, while others provide considerations against it. Many contributors investigate the relationship between theological determinism and other philosophical issues, (...)
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  38. A Study in Memory.E. J. Furlong - 1954 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 144:290-291.
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    Disciplines of Education: Their Role in the Future of Education Research.John Furlong & Martin Lawn (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    Are the disciplines of education ghosts of a productive past or creative and useful forms of inquiry? Are they in a demographic and organisational crisis today? The contribution of the ‘foundation disciplines’ of sociology, psychology, philosophy, history and economics to the study of education has always been contested in the UK and in much of the English-speaking world. But such debates are now being brought to a head in education by the demographic crisis. Recent research has shown that with the (...)
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    From Crisis to Crowd Control. Commentary: A Crisis in Comparative Psychology: Where Have All the Undergraduates Gone?Ellen E. Furlong, Stephanie AuBuchon, Jessica Kraut, Netherland Joiner, Jennifer Knowles, Kali Lewis, Megan Win & Jack Furlong - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Mundos posibles y paradojas.Guillermo Badía - 2013 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 25 (2):219-229.
    La definición de un “mundo posible” de Robert Adams es paradójica, de acuerdo con Selmer Bringsjord, Patrick Grim y Cristopher Menzel. Las pruebas de Bringsjord y Grim utilizaban el axioma del Conjunto Potencia; Cristopher Menzel objetó que, mientras este fuese el caso, todavía existía esperanza para la definición de Adams, pero Menzel desempolvó una vieja paradoja de Russell para demostrar que podíamos obtener las mismas conclusiones sin apelar a otra teoría de conjuntos que el Axioma de Separación. Sin embargo, el (...)
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    From crystallography to structural biology, a century of discoveries.Guillermo Montoya - 2015 - Arbor 191 (772):a217.
  43. Mortalidad y dimensión moral de la vida humana en Julián Marías: con aplicaciones a la reflexión teológica.Guillermo Taberner Márquez - 2008 - Diálogo Filosófico 72:455-470.
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    The effects of accepting lex iniusta non est lex: A reply to Hart.Furlong Peter - 2015 - Lex Naturalis 1:01-22.
    In his influential work, The Concept of Law, H. L. A. Hart levels several criticisms at the traditional natural law principle: lex iniusta non est lex. Although some of his criticisms have received a great deal of careful evaluation, others have not. In this paper I will focus on several ways in which Hart attempts to undermine the value of this principle. I will pay particularly close attention to his claims concerning the unfortunate effects that follow from either scholars’ or (...)
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    The Effects of Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Attributions, and Individualism–Collectivism on Managers’ Responses to Bribery in Organizations: Evidence from a Developing Nation.Guillermo Wated & Juan I. Sanchez - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (2):111-127.
    The goal of this study was to introduce a model explaining how managers' attitudes, subjective norms, attributions, and the individualism-collectivism cultural dimension affect the way managers' deal with employee bribery in organizations. Twenty-six internal and external attributions related to bribery were identified through a series of structured interviews with 65 subject matter experts. These attributions, together with the other variables in the model, were evaluated by 354 Ecuadorian managers. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that attitudes and external attributions significantly predicted managers' (...)
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    Edmund Husserls Philosophie der Logik und Mathematik im Lichte der gegenwaertigen Logik und Grundlagenforschung.Guillermo E. Rosado Haddock - 1973 - [S.N.].
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  47. Libertarianism, the Rollback Argument, and the Objective Probability of Free Choices.Peter Furlong - 2016 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98 (4):512-532.
    It is widely assumed that candidates for free, undetermined choices must have objective probabilities prior to their performance. Indeed although this premise figures prominently in a widely discussed argument against libertarianism, few libertarians have called it into question. In this article, I will investigate whether libertarians ought to reject it. I will conclude that doing so should not be tempting to event-causal libertarians or most agent-causal ones, because the added costs outweigh the benefits.
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    Modals under epistemic tension.Guillermo Del Pinal & Brandon Waldon - 2019 - Natural Language Semantics 27 (2):135-188.
    According to Kratzer’s influential account of epistemic must and might, these operators involve quantification over domains of possibilities determined by a modal base and an ordering source. Recently, this account has been challenged by invoking contexts of ‘epistemic tension’: i.e., cases in which an assertion that must\ is conjoined with the possibility that \, and cases in which speakers try to downplay a previous assertion that must\, after finding out that \. Epistemic tensions have been invoked from two directions. Von (...)
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  49. Meaning, modulation, and context: a multidimensional semantics for truth-conditional pragmatics.Guillermo Del Pinal - 2018 - Linguistics and Philosophy 41 (2):165-207.
    The meaning that expressions take on particular occasions often depends on the context in ways which seem to transcend its direct effect on context-sensitive parameters. ‘Truth-conditional pragmatics’ is the project of trying to model such semantic flexibility within a compositional truth-conditional framework. Most proposals proceed by radically ‘freeing up’ the compositional operations of language. I argue, however, that the resulting theories are too unconstrained, and predict flexibility in cases where it is not observed. These accounts fall into this position because (...)
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  50. Fraïssé classes of graded relational structures.Guillermo Badia & Carles Noguera - 2018 - Theoretical Computer Science 737:81–90.
    We study classes of graded structures satisfying the properties of amalgamation, joint embedding and hereditariness. Given appropriate conditions, we can build a graded analogue of the Fraïssé limit. Some examples such as the class of all finite weighted graphs or the class of all finite fuzzy orders (evaluated on a particular countable algebra) will be examined.
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